Continuation Policy for Federal Financial Aid
Federal financial aid is awarded based upon the successful completion of 66.67% of the coursework undertaken each semester and an academic grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above. The time limit for receipt of federal financial aid is based on the degree of study and the required number of credit hours for degree completion. The Maximum Time Frame is 150% of those required credit hours. For example, for a degree requiring 124 credit hours, a student would be able to attempt 186 credits before ceasing to be able to receive federal financial aid. All students are expected to make good academic progress throughout their degree studies, and to advance artistically in their professional musical training. The Committee on Academic Progress reviews all student records at the end of each semester, and identifies students who fall below MSM’s academic or artistic standards and who do not meet federal funding guidelines outlined by The Department of Education. A student who do does not meet these requirements is placed on Financial Warning.
Additionally, should a veteran student fail to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) benchmarks outlined above, VA education benefits will be discontinued.
Treatment of Incomplete (I) and Withdrawal (W) Grades
I (Incomplete): An incomplete grade does not earn credit or influence the grade point average in the semester in which the course work was taken. However, an incomplete grade will count toward the total credits attempted and may impact a SAP review. Once the incomplete has been resolved and a passing grade has been earned, the credits and the grade will then be counted toward satisfying the minimum cumulative credit hours and the grade point average requirements.
W (Withdrawal): All withdrawal categories do not earn credit toward graduation or toward satisfying the minimum credit hours requirement of the SAP policy. However, these credits will count toward total attempted credits and could possibly affect the Maximum Time Frame requirement. It is important to ensure (when considering a withdrawal) that the student earns the minimum number of credits both that semester and cumulatively, based on how many semesters they have been enrolled at MSM. Excessive withdrawals, especially for students enrolling in the minimum credits to be full time, can cause SAP issues.
Financial Aid Warning
Students who fail to achieve a 2.0 GPA, or who do not complete 66.67% of the coursework attempted during any given semester, are placed on financial aid warning. Financial aid may be received during this warning semester. To be removed from financial aid warning, students must earn a minimum of a 2.0 semester GPA and complete 66.67% of the coursework attempted in the warning semester.
Financial Aid Suspension
If a student fails to achieve SAP while on Financial Aid Warning status, they will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension for the following semester. These students will not be eligible for any financial aid until all requirements for SAP have been met.
Financial Aid Probation
Financial Aid Probation is a status assigned to a student who fails to make SAP and who has appealed and has had eligibility for aid reinstated. During the probationary period, students are given one semester to satisfactorily either raise their cumulative GPA or cumulative earned credits, as needed. If the GPA or number of credits earned is successful, the probation is removed. Financial Aid denial and suspension will result if the student’s GPA or credits earned is not successfully raised.
Financial Aid Cancellation
All financial aid will be canceled if a student does not earn a 2.0 GPA, or fails to complete 66.67% of the coursework undertaken in the warning semester. Financial aid may be reinstated after a student successfully increases their GPA and completion rate to a 2.0 and 66.67% respectively.
Appeals Process
If a student is placed on financial aid cancellation they do have the ability to appeal the decision. Appeals must be made in writing to the Office of Financial Aid. It is highly recommended that you speak with a financial aid representative before completing your appeal. An appeal must specifically state why it was impossible for you to meet the above standards and what you have done/will do to be successful in the future.
There may be extenuating circumstances encountered by a student impacting their ability to be successful during an enrollment period. These circumstances may include personal injury or illness during an enrollment period, death of an immediate family member during an enrollment period, or other documented circumstances that were unexpected in nature and beyond the control of the student.
In these cases, cumulative grade point average and/or completion rate may decline, resulting in the student not meeting the minimum qualitative and/or quantitative the Standards for Academic Progress policy. If this occurs and the student wishes to appeal suspension from financial aid eligibility, a Financial Aid Academic Progress Appeal must be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Aid.
If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). TTY users may call 1-800-730-8913. Information is also available on Student Aid on the Web at
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